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Avalanche: Raymond Peak

Observer Name
Observation Date
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Avalanche Date
Sunday, January 28, 2024
Salt Lake » Big Cottonwood Canyon » Raymond Peak
Location Name or Route
Mt Raymond Main Chute
Avalanche Type
Soft Slab
Avalanche Problem
Wind Drifted Snow
Weak Layer
New Snow
A snow pit was dug out under the apex of Main Chute on the eastern aspect. ECT revealed a weak layer with small facets approximately 20 inches deep, but did not indicate propagation.
The decision was made to adhere towards the southeastern aspect of Main Chute for the initial drop, since this area was more protected from solar heating. Moderate sluffing was observed as the two members of the party took turns descending the couloir.
When the last skier began their descent, a slab approximately 20 inches deep and 4-5 feet wide separated from the east facing rock face out underneath of the skier -- characteristic of a glide avalanche or maybe a wet slab avalanche. Fortunately, the skier was at the release point of the slab and was not carried. Cohesive blocks of snow slid from the release point, but quickly broke up as it descended the couloir, funneled right, and traveled down to the apron. The debris traveled at a relatively slow speed until it made a gradual stop at the apron. The skier was able to reach a safe location as the slab moved down, and descended the couloir without any further complications. The rest of the party underneath was waiting in a designated spot well away from the slide path.