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Avalanche: Monte Cristo

Observer Name
UAC Staff/Hoffman/Ambler, MM
Observation Date
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Avalanche Date
Tuesday, January 16, 2024
Salt Lake » Little Cottonwood Canyon » Monte Cristo
Location Name or Route
Monte Cristo Gully
Slope Angle
Trigger: additional info
Unintentionally Triggered
Avalanche Type
Hard Slab
Avalanche Problem
Wind Drifted Snow
Forecaster Comment: Multiple submissions came in for this avalanche from the party involved, ski patrol, and parties that witnessed it across the valley. All observations have been combined here.
Comments from party involved: "Today while skinning along the south ridge off the Mt Superior summit, I triggered an avalanche on the western aspect of Superior that slid into the Monte Cristo gully. It broke underfoot and the entire slope spider webbed, propagating approx 600-800' in front of and below where I stood. Crown varied in size, averaging 2-3', with the tallest crowns being about 4'. The bed surface of the slide revealed a couple inches of facets that didn't get cleared out."

This wind-drifted snow avalanche failed on the western part of the bowl, propagated onto the southwest and ran though the south facing terrain towards the road. The slide ran nearly 3k before stopping a few hundred feet shy of the road. The video below was taken from near the top of gad 2 at Snowbird.
Photos and videos courtesy of Hoffman & Ambler from across HWY 210 - not involved.
Forecaster Comments: The area where this group triggered an avalanche is above Little Cottonwood Road Highway 210. This avalanche stopped just short of the highway. If you trigger an avalanche in the backcountry near a ski area or above the highway please report it immediately.
If you trigger or see an avalanche adjacent to the road or one of the ski areas and are sure no one was caught in the avalanche, call the nearest mountain dispatch and alert them to the situation, this will allow SAR teams to stand down, preventing them from being subjected to unnecessary hazard.
Salt Lake and Park City – Alta Central (801-742-2033)
Canyons Resort/PCMR Dispatch (435 -615-1911)
Snowbasin Resort Dispatch (801-620-1017)
Powder Mountain Dispatch (801-745-3772 x 123).
Sundance Dispatch (801-223-4150)