Join us at our 2nd Annual Blizzard Ball

Avalanche: Spire

Observer Name
John Lemnotis
Observation Date
Monday, January 3, 2022
Avalanche Date
Friday, December 31, 2021
Salt Lake » Little Cottonwood Canyon » White Pine » Spire
Location Name or Route
Avalanche Problem
Persistent Weak Layer
Weak Layer
Observed several locations around the Spire in White Pine that have avalanched in the past couple of days. Both were on polar aspects. Crown were easily visible and connected by trigger points being rocks or trees in steep terrain (>30 degrees) Each slide pictured below likely occurred durring of after the last loading event before new years day. The debris piles were covered and mostly smoothed over by the strong winds occuring in that area today.
Photo 1 - Mid elevation N aspect that is seen when approaching the spire from the N
Photo 2 - Mid elevation NW aspect of the spire proper
Takeaway - relatively small terrain with large consequences! Polar aspects still contain a reactive persistant weak layer and should be avoided. Each crown was several feet deep and at least 100' wide. Patience is the answer when dealing with this problem. AVOID THE PWL!